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Euer Klassensekretär Detlef, GER 99

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Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Vor 7 Jahren
Beiträge: 22

On the occasion of the recent events in the ICA and German NA I have come to the suspicion that the membership are not fully aware of the decision process for class rules organised by World Sailing.

The 2.4mR class rules (CR) are de facto owned by World Sailing. (WS). It is WS that decides and amends the rules that governs sailing in the 2.4mR class. The ICA can suggest amendments but cannot decide about them. In other words there is no such things as majority decision in which the 2.4mR class itself can decide over the the CR.

The WS has expressed that they dont intend to transform the 2.4mR CR into a OD class of any kind and that they will not accept a new class making use of any part of the present fleet of 2.4’s as basis for a new class. They accept subdivisions as in the case of the Norlin Mk III subdivision and has asked the 2.4mR ICA for improvements in the rules governing this subdivision as they hold the position that it is not tight enough.

This means that in no case will any designs/boats that comply with the 2.4mR CR be made obsolete by any future amendment.

It also means that the main task for the class organisation and it’s elected officials from the ICA down to every NA is to support the open 2.4mR class.

Since these conditions are decisive for the position one chooses to support or argue for the membership ought to be well acquainted with these facts. It is the leadership ( ICA and all NA’s) that should make sure this is known to the sailors.


Hasse Malmsten

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 Jahren 2 mal von Malmsten


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