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Euer Klassensekretär Detlef, GER 99
Steve Bullmore wird verschiedene Persenningen nach Essen mitbringen. Bei Interesse bitte direkt kontaktieren.
Er schrieb:
Hi Detlef
I hope I find you well and that I will see you at Essen. I have talked to Stefan Kaste and he is happy for me to bring some covers for sale. I am wondering if you could possibly put the details on the website so that people know they will be there or someone could take them on their behalf?
They are all quality Banks covers and are:
Aquaplus breathable top cover in grey 270 euros
Aquaplus breathable under cover in grey 300 euros
PVC top covers ( 1 grey 2 blue) 210 euros
Mast bags in grey 75 euros
My telephone number is 0044 7432 109990 or email
Looking forward to a great few days.
Best wishes