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Euer Klassensekretär Detlef, GER 99

2.4mR Selbstbau
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2.4mR Selbstbau

Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Vor 7 Jahren
Beiträge: 22

The Stradivari 2.4mR Hc is intended as an easy to build lowbudget entry boat for the class, still competetive on the race course.
It has the same measured length as the Norlin Mk III in order to be able to fit it out  with used sails, spars and fittings from old/scrapped boats.
Using 4mm cheap and light asian plywood like Lauan sheated with 160gr/m2 cloth and epoxy
makes for a light, stiff, enduring and cheap hull/deck.
 My estimate is that you should be able to build a boat for about 1/4-1/3 of what you pay for a new boat.
Making a joint effort together with your mates and build a couple of boats in your club, can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience.
The plans are now available for purchase priced very favourable at
1000 EUR per boat built to the plans.

It is also available as a kit including all plywood parts including the keel moulding. Price 1.437,50 EUR
Photo album at:
I will also be available via mail to guide you through the process and share experiences.

Hasse Malmsten



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